Seasoned top executive and investor, working with the best entrepreneurs and helping them grow their businesses. My background is computer science and more specifically computer security. I am very passionate about technology in general and I love to work with great teams and smart people I can learn from. My past experience was from AVG Technologies (IPO at NYSE:AVG, later acquired by Avast) where I served as CTO, Chief Scientists and for more than a year also as iCEO. More recently, I am partner at Evolution Equity Partners, VC fund with offices in New York City, Palo Alto, London and Zurich that invests in growth stage technology companies in North America, Europe and Israel. I was also awarded a Kauffman Fellowship by the Palo Alto based Society of Kauffman Fellows. Alongside Evolution Equity Partners I invested in technology companies that applied new innovative approaches to security, such as Cognitive Security - acquired by Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO), SecurityScorecard, Onapsis, DFLabs, CarbonBlack, OpenDNS, LogPoint, DF Labs, Eperi, Panaseer and others. Privately, I am also active in local community promoting angel investing. I am member of Garage Angels, and one of the founding members and President of Czech Business Angel Association

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